Delivery Information
There are three delivery methods available, depending on your location and the type of items involved.
Local delivery
We are able to offer our own service to customers in the following areas from just £10. All local deliveries include Assembly except products that fall in the 'Extra Services' list below.
Wirral |
£10 |
Liverpool/Chester |
£15 |
Cheshire (please check exact area) |
£20 |
N.Wales (please check exact area) |
£25 |
Extra Services
Bed Assembly £5
Multi Piece Beds £10
Wardrobe Installation in room of choice is free of charge if pre-booked at time of ordering. However, please ensure wardrobe will go up stairs and into room as a £10 charge will have to be made if we need to dismantle and reassemble on site.
Non-Local delivery
For customers outside of our local area, the following options are available